

Man, contentment is huge. We live in a world where everyone wants 'more, more more'. The latest Xbox, latest phone, bigger tires, more money, more success...no one is content until they have "the next big thing", then once they get that, something better comes out and you don't stop until you reach it. It's an endless cycle. But why? What makes having these things so great and fulfilling that you just have to have it or happiness will not be in your vocabulary. It's what the world screams at us, if you don't have this, or you don't have that you will not be happy. Lies...and we believe them. But here's the truth: the only true contentment you will ever find is in Jesus Christ. No other will bring joy through hardships and trials. It's knowing that someone loved you so much that he came from the most majestic and glorious place to the dirtiest and most vile place on earth, to get beaten and ridiculed, for me, and you. What greater gift could you ever receive than life itself? And as John 10:10 says, "... I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Not only did he bring life, but life more abundantly. How could you not be content? Yet, we still aren't. Here's a thing to think about when you are discontent: If you're a true follower of Christ and you desire and your goal is to bring glory to God (which it should be), discontentment is not the way to do that. That says that Christ isn't enough, and that where you're at in your life is not right and God doesn't know what's best. It's a horrible witness! Believer, don't fall prey to the lies of the world, because the only true contentment is through Jesus, and only true joy comes through Him. Paul says in Philippians 4, " I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." How could he be content in EVERY circumstance? Through Him (Jesus Christ), who gives strength. Only through Him can you have true contentment. Think about it the next time you feel like you should be somewhere else at a different time or completely obsessed until you have that certain new thing. True contentment is only found in Christ, and stop and think about what God may have you doing right here, and right now. Who knows what blessings he will bring, but trust Him. Trust in his sovereign plan over your life and I guarantee, God is not one you will be disappointed in! He loves you, so much, and only wants you to be fulfilled in Him, and trust Him. His blessings are far greater than you can imagine, even in the trials and hard times, and that's the most amazing thing. Where else can you find true joy in the midst of tribulation? There is no other.

1 comment:

  1. Good call, Gus. Its a good thing to be reminded of. I can get so selfish and discontent, I need a yank back down from me "Captain Me-Planet" attitude.
